The doctors in pediatric icu were not able to get the picc into iLana because of the build up of in her veins where the doctors had tried earlier in the week, unsuccessfully, to insert a regular iv.
Instead, they put in a super-iv in a different vein, in the back of her right hand, t
hat should last 3-4 weeks.
They want us to figure out a way to keep the area clean.
Hello? She’ right handed - she eats with that hand - she’s crawling because she cannot walk. And she’s 1 and a half.
Clean? We’ll be lucky if it stays clean for 5 minutes!
We’re waiting to hear what the doctors say - if they’re comfy enough to send us home,or what
On a positive note - iLana took a first step today- it was very shaky and quick - but she put all of her body weight on her left foot - that’s a great sign!
Waiting for the yeshuas Hashem that comes kheref ayin.
A guten chodesh
Mon 08 09, 2010 | Posted by Mike
okay - so we’re half way through our second week here, and iLana is scheduled for a PiCC line procedure today(monday) at 1pm israel time
since the car is still in the shop, Tamar is bringing the kids in by bus, dropping 4 off by ‘doda leah’ in sanhedria and bringing Yehoshua with her to be @ hospital in time for the procedure. While they will put her to sleep for the picc, it’s not a very long or complicated process. Feel free to daven anyway.
Once they’re happy with the outcome, and we have a month’s supply of antibiotics, they’ll let us out, with complete instructions even an internal medicine nurse can understand.
More to come, hope to have more to report later
Shabbos in the hospital
Sun 08 08, 2010 | Posted by Mike
yehoshua found a friend at the Maza service center
Shabbos was actually quite nice.
If you take away missing the kids, the constant beeping noises, the cramped conditions and the kids that would screm randomly in the room or the hall, it was nice.
Friday, Tamar’s friend Avigayil came and drove us to her house where we spent a lovely evening and meal with her and her husband, MAx and their kids and guest.
The walk back took only an hour, and we were back in time for Ilana’s night time antibiotics.
the next day we spent some quiet time together, and met some nice people in the hospital.
We also bumped into friends in the emergency room who were there with kid which turned out to be a false alarm, b"H.
Motzai Shabbos, I went to the moshav, gathered the troops and drove home.
Everyone went to sleep zonked and got up late.
Binyamin made it to Maon around 9, and I brought the rest of the kids into J-M to come see Tamar and Ilana.
Yehoshua and I brought the car in for servicing, because our Mazda 5 turns off in the middle of driving.
It’s quite disconcerting.
looks like it’s a valve intake issue.
Ilana is scheduled for a Picc tomorrow - will let you know how that goes.
Sounds like we’re looking at a case of the big O-word.
We’re scheduled for a Picc line ( insertion on monday.
Until then, we are slotted to remain in the hospital with an iv (which we had to change again today :( because it fell out!)
Tamar took the kids to the Modiin mall today.
Ilana has begun to put ever-so-gentle pressure on her left foot. The doctors are very pleased with her progress - her swelling is way down, and her overall disposition is wonderful.
Please keep davening - who knows - maybe a miracle will happen and the drugs will do enough that she can start walking and move on to only oral antib.
Donno what we’re doing about Shabbos yet, but I’m going home now that mil is ere and Tamar is coming in in about 2 hours (its 4pm)
Ilana’s sleeping. shhhhh
Thu 08 05, 2010 | Posted by Mike
Tamar left when her mother arrived @ 4 - I drove her to the bus and then went to my meeting near harry nof - I got back @ 630 and took over for the evening.
Ilana was still sleeping from 3 when I got in. She woke up, ate a little and then we went to daven mincha.
Afterwards, we took a walk to get some fresh air and dinner @ the supermarket across the street and down the block. Ilana loved the tuna fish chunks and the ini-pitas were a hit too.
Post-Maariv she was in a giddy mood when I put her in pjamas - and didn’t look ready for bed, so I decided to play a game with her to tire her out for bedtime - here’s a treat: a video called pillowfight
Enjoy - she’s a cutie alright - you might think she’s upset in the beginning, but she’s just expressing her competetive nature - the smiles and laught come around 1:25.