Simchat Bat in Boca
Sat 02 14, 2009 | Posted by Mike
So - Chanoch made a simchas bat this Shabbos and all the Harow brothers were there with Auntie Frummie and Bubba.
I wonder how it went…
Probably alot of nice singing, with some humor, a bit of shnapps, and a couple of one line zingers to round out the festivities (no doubt the best of which came from Bubba!)
So sorry we missed it - Boca is nice this time of year.
Come to think of it, weather here kinda was like south Florida this weekend - only without the orange juice…
Wed 01 21, 2009 | Posted by Mike
Mazel Tov to Uncle Dod (Dr. Cory, for those of you keeping score at the hospital) and Rachel on the birth of a beautiful baby girlie.
May we see much Nachas from the whole mishpach!
Here’s the details we receive via electronic communique:
Hi Everyone,
We’d like to introduce our new baby girl, Emma Dalit, who was born on Jan.13th! She is 6 lbs. 1 oz. and is perfect in every way! We are having a Simchat Bat in Boca the weekend of February 14th. All are welcome! We hope you are all doing well and that we have the chance to see you soon!
Rachel, Chanoch (Cory), Aiden, Ami, and Aliyah